Riley Township

Notice of Adoption Summary Ordinance 37-2023 Building Code and Maintenance Ordinance

Notice of Adoption Ord 34-2023

#37-2023 Building and Maintenance Code Ordinance ADOPTED 11-14-23

Notice is hereby given that the Riley Township Board adopts Ordinance 37-2023 Building Code and Maintenance Ordinance text amendment to the Ordinances of Riley Township at a regular meeting held on November 14th, 2023.

The purpose of this ordinance amendment is to add text to incorporate the adoption of International Property Maintenance Code, 2021 Edition, as amended, as the Maintenance Code within the existing Building Code Ordinance; to add Ordinance Enforcement Officer to administer and enforcement of code; to add text to update ordinance title, purpose, additions and insertions of code provisions, availability of code for inspection; and to add/remove text to change penalty of violation from Misdemeanor to Municipal Civil Infraction with related fees, fines, sanctions and injunctive relief.

This Ordinance amendment shall take effect on the next day after this publication as required by law following adoption by the township board and shall remain in effect herein.

A true copy of the Ordinance is available at the Township Office during regular business hours or online at


Published:  11-22-2023